Winter Waterbirds are Returning
As land birds migrate in Fall and Spring, so do the water birds. And as do the land birds, waterbirds migrate at different times within...

PeakFest Bird Walk 2024
Despite the rain two intrepid birders show up at Battery Steele. Well, sort of. One, Hannah, apparently wandered off course and arrived...

Scoter Ballets
Surfscoters Black Scoters Early Morning: Mid-Morning: Surf Scoter's migration route Black Scoter's migration route Photos By: Patty...

Jim's Summer Tanager
Summer Tanager Piranga rubra May 11th: Jim Lausier announces on NextDoor that he thinks he has a Scarlet Tanager in his yard. He posts a...

Looney for Loons: Two Peaks Islanders Helping to Monitor Common Loon Behavior
Young Loon in Intermediate Plumage Photo © Andrew Jackson Even living here on Peaks Island year-round one may not fully appreciate the...