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PILP Monitoring Protocols

Pre-visit activities:

Contact partner stewards for this property to schedule formal monitoring walk for a day in April and for a day in September

Make copy of property map for use in the field

In between formal monitoring walk, please check property twice/month

Review property information, boundaries, previous monitoring reports, baseline documents and photographs

Plan route and pack equipment

Prepare against poison ivy and deer ticks; good websites for info: Identify Poison Ivy, Indentify a Deer Tick

Items to bring on field visit:
Property information
Copy of map
Monitoring report sheet
Notepad and writing utensils
Copy of topographic map and/or aerial map with conservation parcel boundaries drawn
GPS unit
Flagging tape (to highlight boundaries and / or corner points)
Camera or phone with camera (check batteries and/or charge)
Measuring tape
Cell phone
Rain/cold weather gear
Wear insect repellent (especially against ticks)
Field guides (i.e. tree, bird)

Focus monitoring on providing a description of the property as you find it during your visit. Some features that may require particular attention include:

  • Boundaries or other areas that are vulnerable to encroachment

  • Roads and other access ways


  • Roads and other access ways

  • New trails or access points

  • Areas of recent activity by beavers

  • Signs of disturbance

  • Activity in or around building areas

  • Areas heavily used by the public

  • Visit sites of past violations to follow-up

Photograph significant changes on the property, and any new (possible) violations and mark location on map with date
Keep a log of all photos with GPS photo point location, direction (compass bearing) photo was taken at, notes describing photo and reason taken.

Guidelines on how to complete PILP Monitoring Form:

Only select the pertinent spaces; leave others blank
Provide additional comments, if applicable, in same box
Provide percentages in 5% intervals (5%, 10%, 15 %......)
Identify invasive weed/tree species if possible or provide brief description

Post-visit activities:

Complete monitoring visit report
Label and date all photographs record photo points on map
Record all disturbances and actions (if any) taken to correct problem
Report should be signed and dated
Keep copy in your file and mail in original along with marked map copy
Check for ticks

Contact Michelle immediately if you observe any major disturbance

Forever Wild...​​

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