Peaks Fest - PILP Birds and Beavers Walk and the return of MIMIC volunteers.
© Curtis Rindlaub A damp and misty morning greets ten intrepid bird enthusiasts for Peaks Fest Bird and Beaver Walk. Aided by her two...

April-May 2017 Bird Sightings
Spring was slow in its arrival, but many new birds from the south are already here and most of our winter residents that breed off...

March Bird Blog: Tanagers
Male Western Tanager Photo © Sam Wainright Tanager Tidbits: North America supports three...

Late January and February Bird Activities on the Backshore
Kathy's Valentine Love Birds Photo © Jody Halliday How do seabirds prepare for the night? Where do they...

Competing Bird Lists: December 2016
A snowy day on Peaks Island greets the Christmas Bird Count ‘counters’. Poor visibility does not discourage the enthusiasm of Dan...