Large Gatherings of Peaks Island Sea Ducks
"The Players" Common Eider (Male right) Black Scoter White-winged Scoter Surf Scoter Common Goldeneye (Male) Bufflehead (Male left)...
Christmas Bird Count 2023
Photo: Eastern Bluebird, P. Wainright, 16 Dec 2023 Introduction: The Christmas Bird Count (CBC) is run by the Audubon Society (see...
Eagles on the Backshore
Bald Eagles sitting on the Backshore rocks draw attention on a cold day. Two Bald eagles beckon to those walking or driving along the...
Bluebirds at Wharf Cove
On a warm Monday morning, 27 November, we walked northward along Seashore Avenue towards Whaleback at high tide, where powerful waves...
Spring Wormfest
Did anyone notice a large gathering of Common Eiders on Woodlanding Cove (end of Great Pond Rd) on April 6 and 7? Valerie did – so off we...